August 16, 2024

Celebrating A-level success
Our sixth form students have once again shone in their A-level results, achieving a 100% pass rate across 15 subjects, including English Literature, Maths and History.Amongst the cohort, a key collective highlight was the performances of all those undertaking either Media Production and Applied Science, who all achieved A* to C.
There were also multiple individual success stories, with 17% of students receiving offers from Russell Group Universities. Among these was Benjamin, who achieved three A*s in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics; he can look forward to a place at the University of Cambridge in September, where he will study Mechanical Engineering.
Haylie secured a spot at Keele University to study Psychology, having achieved one A and two Bs; whilst Yasmin will study Musical Theatre Performance at the Emil Dale Performing Arts Academy in Hertfordshire.
"We are really pleased with the excellent results that our students have received today,” said Emma Parker, Head of Sixth Form.
“This is a mark of their hard work, dedication and commitment to their studies here at The Castle Rock School.
“We wish them the best of luck in their endeavours and look forward to them joining our alumni network and supporting future students.”