June 23, 2023

Castle Rock School Wraps Up a Thrilling Sports Week
Castle Rock School have concluded a week filled with exciting sports activities as students across various subjects celebrated Sports Week. The event successfully combined sports into the school curriculum, promoting physical activity and a healthy lifestyle among the students.During the event, the Year 8 students in mathematics showcased their logical and systematic thinking abilities by solving engaging problems related to the Olympics. Challenging their problem-solving skills and building a greater understanding of the world of sports.
The PE department played a key role in the week's activities, highlighting the importance of physical activity, and providing students with a glimpse of the diverse opportunities available within and outside the school. Students took part in a variety of sports such as athletics, rounders, gymnastics, and cricket during PE lessons.
English classes also contributed to the promotion of physical activity by encouraging students to express their thoughts through letter writing. Students shared their ideas on the significance of leading an active lifestyle and explored ways to increase the engagement of young people in physical activities.
Throughout the week, the school witnessed a surge in physical activity, with students eagerly participating in football games before school, during breaks, and after school. The school clubs also experienced higher attendance, indicating an increased interest among students in exploring sports beyond the classroom.
Castle Rock School is proud of the achievements and efforts of its students during the exciting Sports Week. By integrating sports seamlessly into various subjects, the school successfully promoted an active and healthy lifestyle while nurturing vital skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, and discipline.
As Sports Week comes to a close, Castle Rock School looks forward to building on the enthusiasm generated during the event and continuing to foster a culture of physical activity and sportsmanship among its students.