Post-16 Bursary
Students could be eligible for a Bursary for Students in Vulnerable Groups or a Discretionary Bursary. They must be at least 16 and under 19 on 31st August of each academic year and meet the residency requirements. Please download the policy document which outlines eligibility criteria and documentation required for both types of Bursary.
Please complete the relevant application form (see link below) and email copies of associated documents to [email protected] as soon as possible after admission in September. The closing date for applications will be Monday 30th September 2024. Students who become eligible during the course of the academic year should contact Student Support so that they can make an application for funding based on their new circumstances.
It is important to note that the available fund is limited. The School/College is under no obligation to make payments and failure to comply with the terms of the Attendance Policy and/or the Learner Agreement will result in further funding not being available.
Students who are deemed eligible should be aware that to receive support through the bursary throughout the year:
- They must maintain a minimum of 97% attendance
- There must be no unauthorised absences during the school day or persistent lateness
- They must maintain acceptable levels of behaviour, as outlined in the Learner Agreement
Students who fail to meet the above criteria will be required to meet with Student Support and may have further bursary payments suspended.
The assessment criteria and award level of the vulnerable student bursary is set by the Education Funding Agency. All vulnerable student bursaries will be paid via BACS directly into a student’s bank account provided on the application form.
For discretionary bursaries the school/college will either purchase items on behalf of the student or on rare occasions payments will be made via BACS directly into the student’s bank account upon receiving receipts for any school equipment purchased.
For further information please contact the school office.
Please view the full Policy here.
If you wish to apply for a Bursary please click here or contact the school office on [email protected]
Further details can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/1619-bursary-fund